Thursday, March 29, 2018

A Music City Weekend

 Location: Nashville, Tennessee

Recently, I was in Nashville for a friends Bachelorette Weekend.  Ya'll, I had never been before and this city is so. much. fun.  I would definitely go back so I could explore even more because there is just so much that we couldn't get to everything!

The weekend centered around the bride to be.  We had some fun activities for the weekend, like a cycle pub the first night we got there and a pole dancing class at a local place. We went out to the bars on Broadway in the evenings.  They are such a good time because every single place has live music playing.  Even inside of one bar it could have multiple floors each with it's own live band and different vibe.  I totally get the reason for the nickname music city.

The food at every place we went to was fantastic.  Even brunch was accompanied by live music! I loved all of the different murals there were around the city.  A good fun mural is everything for the photo lover in me.

I would highly recommend Nashville to anyone and especially bachelorette weekends, we ran into so many other groups for the trip simply because there is so much to do in a concentrated area on that main strip.

Have you ever been to Nashville? What are your must do's there? 

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Birthday Brunch

Location: 300 East

Why is it that when a restaurant is featured on a food network show, that restaurant is instantly cooler? Back in February my family and I celebrated my Birthday by going out to brunch.  We decided on a local restaurant close to me called 300 East.  While looking up the menu before hand I found that it was featured on Diners Drive-Ins and Dives and instantly was more excited to go.  I mean a local restaurant on TV?! How cool is that?!

The brunch was delicious as was the chocolate brownie [pictured above] Even more so than great food, I love getting together with loved ones for special occasions and celebrating.  My love language is definitely brunch and quality time so this was a perfect way to spend my birthday!

What is your favorite birthday tradition?  

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Why Hello Again

Location: Nashville, TN

I have missed this.  I have missed taking fun photos of life and it's adventures.  I have missed writing and sharing my heart and ideas.

What I haven't missed, though, is the ridiculous pressure and anxiety I put on myself to be something that I am not.  The blog world is an interesting one to navigate.  For some reason I felt like I was doing it wrong because I wasn't gaining tons of followers and making money with sponsorships at an exponential rate.  So I changed who I was.  I forgot my why.  My intention to connect, to write, to encourage, to be authentic, genuine, and intentional. I tried to keep up and post often which lead to a negative relationship with my creative outlet. 

My full time job is stressful enough, I don't need my fun hobby to bring even more stress to my life.  I took a break for a while to re-focus and re-center myself.  That break turned into a 7 month hiatus from blogging and you know what, that is okay.

I needed a little time off to realize that I can blog and stay true to myself all at the same time.  This blog is a mix of everything: faith, food, travel, style, exploring my city, fitness because that's who I am and what I love. This time though I am going to trust in God's plan for me and this blog.  I have it on my heart to write in this space.  I need to trust that feeling and honor it because there is a reason that desire was placed in me.  My writing may not be on a regular frequent posting schedule, I have no clue about making money but if a collaboration I believe in comes along then I will be open, we will see what comes.  One thing that is no longer though is the desire to be a perfect little blogger and fit into this mold created by social media, it's simply not worth it.

I am excited to continue this journey.  I hope you will follow along as I share and celebrate life in this space.