Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Summer in the Sunshine

Location: Lake Wylie & South End CLT

This summer has been everything. My goal this summer was to simply enjoy.  I have done just that and it's not even over - I still have a month left until the school year starts up again.  I have taken full advantage of the sunshine and being outside, it is giving me so much life. 

I have been teaching swim lessons and babysitting for some extra cash. My schedule has been so great for me.  I gave myself time to work a little, get things done around the apartment that has been put off for a while, plus living my life in the sun.

I have been biking, walking, boating, swimming, and reading - so much reading.

Summer is so good for my soul.  I truly love the time to take care of myself.  I have been enjoying slow mornings with coffee.  Working out and reaching new goals. Vitamin D every single day.  Long walks with the pup in the evenings. Reading new books after frequent visits to the library. Trying new things.  Catching up with friends.

I love that I have been taking advantage of enjoying the summer.  I felt today like I was ready to actually think about work and setting some new goals for the school year.  But before I jump back to school mode I have fun exciting travel adventures to close out my summer - including one place I have never been before. Stay tuned. 

Cheers to enjoying life, sunshine, and summertime.