Saturday, October 27, 2018

Fall Adventures

OMB Oktoberfest. Pumpkins. Corn Maze. Family dinners at fun restaurants. Renaissance Festival.  All the fall things. 

Fall is one of my favorite seasons.  I think I love all the seasons for what they bring but there is something about fall.  I start a new school year so it's full of fresh beginnings and inspiration for me.  The crisp colorful weather doesn't hurt either.  There is something about a gorgeous drive under Carolina blue skies and seeing colorful leaves. 

This fall has been full of fun adventures. It has also been a strange one for me.  Charlotte has gotten hit by multiple hurricanes, canceling school a bunch.  I feel like I am still trying to get started in my school year and figure things out with a lot of change and it's almost time for the holidays!

One thing I am learning is life is about how you live it.  I am choosing to not let my work define me and to truly live my life for the moments that bring me joy. Truly celebrating each day, being grateful for the things that we have, and finding ways to enjoy each season.