Monday, November 12, 2018

You are Capable

Recently, I just completed my 3rd half marathon. This one was definitely the toughest, most emotional half I have run.  Running a half marathon is no easy feat.  Running for 13.1 miles at a time can be rough on your body. 

I had taken a few months off of running, really for no good reason at all but I wanted to get back into it and decided to commit to myself to train and run another half.  Training this time around was tough.  This summer was hot.  Very hot.  Starting from square 1 to getting back into half marathon shape was a big mental game for me.

Running also gives you an incredible amount of time to let your mind wander. I began to think about how incredible the human body is.  How it carries us through life.  How it can run miles upon miles.  How if we push through the negativity and the mind games our body still can move and go further and faster than before.

You are so capable.  You are worthy.  You can try hard things and achieve them.  I have running to thank for teaching me that again.  This time my goal is to not to loose sight of my love of running and how incredibly strong it makes me feel, it's not worth it to stop doing the things you love.  Running helps me think, helps me decompress, and helps me feel amazing. I am a runner. I am so proud of what I have accomplished. Here is to many more miles.