
Welcome to Sweet Surrender. I'm so glad you are here.
My name is Amanda.

I am a twenty something girl with a heart for Jesus and a passion for being brave throughout daily life. Every day I get to go to work as an elementary school counselor. I absolutely love my job and the fact that I get to spend my days with some of the most brave and resilient kids I know. I used to teach 5th grade before taking a huge leap of faith, heading to grad school and changed my career.

It was in that time of my life that I truly learned surrendering to God's plan always turns out so much better than we can ever imagine.  He truly cares about the details and taking care of us - so we can cast all of our anxieties on him.  This little lesson of surrender is something I have to learn over and over through conquering my to - do lists and crazy busy life. But thankfully God's grace flows freely.

Besides my job; I love fashion, fitness, coffee, community, photography, cooking, being creative, traveling, laughter, adventures, exploring my home city of Charlotte, and my sweet pup.

This blog is my little space on the internet to just be me. To write. To be brave. To be vulnerable. To share my passions and my life through words and pictures. Grab a cup of coffee and join me on this adventure I like to call life. Being brave. Surrendering to Jesus' plan for me.

“Wherever there are dreams, there is joy, Jesus is always present." - Pope Francis
Let's connect:
email  | sweetsurrendergray@gmail.com
insta | @sweetsurrendergray
twitter | @swtsurrendergry

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