Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Currently | December

"Finn the christmas tree looks so pretty and I need to practice my photography so here are some treats! Sit puppy!"  Pretty much a typical day of one sided conversations for me and pup. Today I am linking up with Anne and Kellie to share more of what I am currently up to.

doing: Re-evaluating my self care and after school schedule. This time of year is busy busy and intense in schools so in order to be fully present daily for my kiddos I need to take care of myself first and foremost. I'm trying to join a gym and get involved in more hobbies that keep me happy and healthy.

enjoying: My first real live tree in my own apartment.  It's like the first Christmas I really feel like an adult.  I am making the most of this month and finding all sorts of Christmasy things to do around the city.

cooking: Cookies! I love finding new recipes around Christmas and making them from scratch.  My Grammy always had the cookie jar stocked so I fully intend to keep up her lovely tradition.

wrapping: This is so terrible but nothing yet.  I haven't even started thinking about shopping.  School has been so busy - but this weekend it will get done and then I will wrap all sorts of fun gifts for my loved ones.

playing: Christmas music all day every day. I have it in my office; I love how my students come in chat and they just relax because I have music playing.  My favorite playlist is the Pentatonix Yule Log on youtube. I love how they arranged all the classic Christmas songs.

What are you currently up to?

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