Monday, December 12, 2016

Savannah Trip | Rock and Roll Half Marathon

At the beginning of November a few of us traveled down to the beautiful historic city of Savannah, GA.  A friend and I signed up to run the Rock and Roll Half Marathon there back in the spring.  This is a race that I have always wanted to run and the timing just felt right.  Between moving cities, working multiple jobs, and transitioning from graduate school life back into the professional realm this summer, running was my one string of consistency.

Savannah is a city that I love to visit and explore. We used to go there for day trips as a family when we rented a house on Hilton Head Island. This time I was there as an adult getting to explore the city on my own. I looked up all the fun restaurants to go to and made my list of things I wanted to see while we were there.

The trip was so much fun.

Friday we walked around a little bit to get our bearings. We were so lucky that our hotel was right in the middle of everything so we didn't need the car once. We walked the city and took a ferry across the river to get our race packets.  We went out for dinner and then turned in pretty early.  I wanted to do well for this race!

Saturday morning was race day! We woke up early, got ready, and headed to the start line.  I felt so great on the run.  The weather was perfect to run 13.1 miles through the beautiful city.  The race was probably my favorite one I have run so far.  About every half mile or so there was a stage with a band performing.  It was the perfect way to pump everyone up.

The finish line was the best part.  The band Old Crow Medicine show put on a whole concert in the park at the end of the race. It was so much fun to sit and relax in the sun listening to great music.

After the race we went grabbed some lunch and then crashed in the hotel after showers.  Once we were all rested and refreshed we were ready to explore the city some more.  We walked around the historic district, all around the river front, went in cute shops, and fun candy stores.  I was a girl scout growing up so I had to stop at Juliette Gordon Low's house and get a photo.  Mike also wanted to go find Forest Gumps bench, the park is there, but not the actual bench he sat on. Still it's all so beautiful.

Sunday was for brunch and more exploring.

This city is one of the best cities to just go visit with no plan.  Even though I had my list beforehand my favorite part was that we just walked around and went where we thought it was fun and interesting.  The city is walkable.  Every restaurant we popped in had fantastic seafood.  The most fun part was the city has an open container law; just as long as you ask for a to- go cup! We grabbed drinks at various places and then just wandered more through the city.

All in all this trip was one to remember.  I would do it all over again for sure. The race, the city, the friends, and the fun!

Have you ever been to Savannah? Whats your favorite part?

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