Monday, January 9, 2017

A Love Letter to Snow Days

coat [similar] | scarf [similar] | gloves | boots [similar]

The snow actually came to the Queen City this past weekend.  It wasn't as much as was predicted - but I am writing this with my coffee on a Monday morning [instead of nights when I usually blog] because NO SCHOOL!

We were driving home from church yesterday and I was just admiring how beautiful everything looked with a clean white blanket over it. I said to Mike "I just love snow"  to which he replied "you are like the only adult who thinks that". That got me thinking - I can't be the ONLY one who loves snow? Am I right?  If he is correct in saying that, let me try to sway your opinion by sharing some of my favorite things about snow:

It's beautiful.  I can't get over how fresh, wintery, and clean everything looks with a layer of snow over it. I just love that it truly signifies winter weather.

Snow gives us a chance to slow down.  Here in the south we have to basically wait until the snow melts to head back to reality.  Having snow gives an excuse to put everything on hold for a while and truly embrace the stillness that snow brings. My favorite way to celebrate this is pulling my cozy chair up to the window, filling my biggest mug up with coffee, journal and bible on my lap, watching the snow fall and spending good quality time with Jesus. Bonus points for a fire: If I had a fire place that would be lit too.

Everyone is so so happy.  I took Finn out early in the morning for a snow walk and we ran into another dog playing and his owner was sledding on her trash can lid.  I loved the fact that she was so excited, she was embracing the snow and not letting this day go to waste. The anticipation and squeals of my kiddos at school on Friday brought out a joy in me as well.  Working in a school truly reminds me to live by God's teaching of childlike faith.  Snow brings that out in everyone!

and again there is no school! Sometimes you just need a surprise day off.

What are some of your favorite ways to cherish a snow day?

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