Monday, January 2, 2017

Goals for 2017

I had every intention of writing this whole post on my goals.  I was going to share a list of the things I want to accomplish for this fresh new year and just leave it at that.  A public display of what my intentions are so that the internet can hold me accountable for reaching my goals. Then I read my devotion this morning and spent a good amount of time journaling and listening.

I revisited my list of goals for this year and had to ask myself a harsh question: What are the intentions behind my goals?  Are they to bring me glory or to bring Glory to God? What would be the benefit be for accomplishing my list of things to do for this year? I realized that all my goals had on thing in common; me and only me.

If I truly want to be authentic and really live out the name of my blog I need to spend more time listening to the nudges of my heart that God places upon me. I know, cognitively, that life lived in surrender to God truly means freedom but do my goals for this year reflect that? I realized that I can still keep my goals but they need a little bit of reframing.

So I am not going to share my list of goals today but I will say this my ultimate goal now is to bring Glory to God through my blog, my health habits, my hobbies, and my relationships by listening.  Listening to the words that God places on my heart to share through this platform I have.  Listen to my body and fuel it properly with good whole foods and exercise.  Listen to or rather focus on the hobbies that fuel my passions and creative mind.  And listen to the people around me, what they are truly saying, and take intentional, authentic action from there to be a good friend, girlfriend, daughter, sister, and counselor.

What are your goals for 2017?

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