Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Currently | February

Can you believe it is February already?  Seems like yesterday I was reflecting on 2016 and making my goals and dreams for the new year.  Now it's the best month of the year; my birthday month!! I also have some really fun things planned for this blog.  I have been taking a few e-courses, through these I am learning so much.  This whole blog thing gets me so excited!

Today I am linking up with Anne and Erin to share a little of what I am currently up to:

packing: If you count packing my lunch every single day packing then this is my response.  I have been loving my tone it up meals and bringing delicious healthy food to work gives me the energy I need to keep chasing after kiddos and solving all the crisis that pop up during a school day!

jonesing: While we are talking healthy food, my favorite treats that I am forever addicted to dark chocolate and cups of coffee; they cure everything.

texting: A friend sent me this video today.  This teacher works in my school district and it made me smile.  I'm all about building relationships people; it's everything to these kiddos.

reading: The latest Erynn Mangum book: Happily Forever Ashten. I found this author a few years ago and her books are my soul.  If you are looking for a fun, christian novel centered around cups of coffee check her books out.

hearting: all the wonderful people in my life [this definitely includes my pup]

What are you currently up to?

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