Monday, February 13, 2017

When Inspiration Hits

For some reason, whenever I am feeling creative and inspired, I feel like I need a fun drink to compliment that feeling I get to tackle my big dreams and projects.  Hence the trip to Juice Bar for a Green Smoothie. You see, one of my strengths is ideation.  I have so many ideas and goals.  I am very affected by my feelings.  When I feel inspired there is no stopping me, I am a girl on a inspired mission.

Well, I started thinking about my passions.  I made a list of what makes me happy in my head.  The obvious were results; yoga, being healthy, family, friends, people, being creative, writing, coffee, photography, this blog, exploring new places, and the list goes on and on.  I was processing this and what that might mean for my space here on the internet.  I write because I don't know often how I think or feel about something until it flows through my fingers onto a screen or paper.  I feel rejuvenated by getting to explore new places with the people I love. I love reflecting on memories, people I meet, experiences that I am so blessed to have, and what I learn along this life journey.

With a seed planted for this blog per a conversation I had with my mom a few weeks ago I got to dreaming.  This question kept running through my head - what does it mean to be a tourist in your own city?  When you go travel and visit a new place what are the things on your list of must sees? Why can't I do that here; in my hometown, the place I love and live and work?

There is nothing stopping me from exploring Charlotte the same way.  Thriving in the Queen City on a Budget.  Thus, the new idea is born.  This new blog series will document exploring this city I live in, like a tourist, but finding fun budget friendly ways to thrive. After all, I am an extrovert living in a world class city.  I don't want to live a limited life because of a limited budget. So it's time to get creative and explore. All posts will be filed under Queen City.   Cheers to a wonderful Charlotte adventure.  I'm so excited to share my city with you.

If you have any places you love in Charlotte and would like to see featured please get in touch!

How are you a tourist in your own city?   

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