Wednesday, March 8, 2017

A Pup in the City

A few weekends ago, it was absolutely gorgeous here in the queen city.  A friend asked me to bring Finn to go walk on the rail trail.  This was the perfect storm.  We have been looking to move to the south end area of charlotte where the rail trail is located.  While I was here I wanted to scope out the area and really make sure Finn would be happy here - since it's more urban than where we live now. Plus its always wonderful to get to catch up with a dear friend.

Finn and I never actually walked on this trail before.  But walking with him is definitely one of my favorite things to do. I fell in love with the area after this walk.  Finn loved walking the trail, his favorite part was watching the train go by.  He is so weird about cars and the light rail going by often made me nervous but seeing how much he loved it definitely has my heart set on living in this area.  I am such a dog mom - making my decisions solely based on how Finn reacts to places.

We have a while until a move will actually happen [summer] but stay tuned to where we end up.  In the mean time I will definitely be frequenting this area to visit friends and spend time walking my new favorite trail in Charlotte with my pup.  I think he will love being a city dog.

Rail Trail Details:
Location: South End, Charlotte
Budget: Free!!
Time: 2+ hours depending on how far you walk
Recommendations: walk with a friend, have a pup by your side, get lost in the city, explore your surroundings, have deep good conversation, get some sun, stop and enjoy the moment - the perfect combination

What is your favorite place to walk? 

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