Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Currently | March

Happy March friends.  This month I have a ton of fun things in store for life and this blog.  The weather has been gorgeous recently and I am hoping that it continues through the whole month.  Today I am linking up with Anne and Carrie to share what I am currently up to!

Watching: The Bachelor.  It's my guilty pleasure.  I have been sucked into Bachelor nation for 10+ years now.  Since they keep using people from previous seasons I just have to know what happens next.  Pure entertainment. 

Eating: Since I have started to follow Tone It Up. [you can read all about it here] I have been eating meals off of their nutrition plan but I have one treat that I crave pretty much always because of the salty sweet combo; popcorn and m&m's.  Try it. You will fall in love and constantly make excuses to have movie nights just to eat it! 

Saying: I need some chick therapy.  My school has a science lab.  The students are studying life cycles and all sorts of cool things, so we had an incubator with eggs and the chicks hatched earlier this week! I have had a crazy week otherwise so I will randomly end up in the lab to go play with the adorable chicks.  So cute, so fuzzy, so precious.  5 minutes with chicks is a great therapy session. 

Wearing: These shoes. I have been wanting some cute but comfortable shoes for work. I am on my feet all day long but still need to look professional. I am so hooked on this brand now and they are so worth it! 

Posting: Sticking to my posting schedule and content here on the blog! I am loving my creative outlet in writing frequently, practicing photography, and blogging. 

What are you currently up to?

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