Monday, March 13, 2017

Springing Forward into Snow

Sunday morning, just as we set the clocks an hour ahead for "spring forward", Charlotte woke up to a few inches of snow.  I quickly bundled up and took Finn out for a walk in a winter wonderland.  It was still snowing at the time.  This snow was the beautiful fluffy snow that floats out of the sky and just covers the earth in a white blanket. 

This snow came at the perfect time for me to hit the reset button.  I absolutely love walking around in the snow - everything is so fresh and quiet.  It's the perfect time for some reflection.  Also, Finn absolutely loves the snow.  It is such a joy to see him so curious and playful.

I was at the point in life where I just was feeling ready for a change.  Honestly I have been getting spring fever way early, in my defense, my students have too so I just feel it.  Instead God & Mother Nature had a different idea for me.  Instead of spring break and reading books by the pool in my bikini I got a fresh blanket of nice white fresh snow.  I didn't realize it before but snow one more time was just what I needed.

In true Charlotte fashion, by noon, the snow was practically melted and I was able to go about my day; running errands, babysitting for a few hours, and then church.  For those few hours I got with the snow in the morning it gave me something I was needing.  Time to slow down and be still. 

What is your favorite part about snow?

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