Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Currently | April

April showers are in full swing here in NC.  Seems like we have had rain then gorgeous weather then stormy downpours.  The weather can never make up it's mind this time of year.  I am linking up with Anne and Jess for this months edition of currently.

accomplishing: All of my work done before spring break so that I can have a week full of rest, family, and be ready for the remainder of the school year. 

feeling: Grateful for a family who even though we are now spread apart [working girls and all] we set time to "hangout" all together - thanks google! 

needing: Spring break to get here.  We have one more day with students and a workday standing in the way of my plans to get a big stack of books from the library and read them by the pool. 

practicing: Yoga 2x a week now.  It has been my favorite way of practicing self care lately - I feel so strong and healthy after a yoga session. 

pinning: All the plants and decor items.  Green plants have been my favorite way to give the house a fresh feel.  They are so fun and pretty. 

What are you currently up to? 

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