Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Currently | May

Happy May sweet friends.  April was packed full of soaking up the sun, spending time with family and friends, getting some well deserved rest and setting new goals for myself.  There is so much to be grateful for and so much to celebrate.  I am joining in along side Anne and Nancy for the currently link up to share a little of what I am up to this month!

baking: Blueberry Chia seed muffins.  I meal prepped on Sunday to ensure that I had lots of fun and healthy options through the week and these muffins are one thing I made.  They are such a delicious snack at school mid morning when I need a little boost. 

listening (to): I love podcasts to listen to on my runs or walks.  As a self proclaimed and proud Laguna Beach / the Hills fan since high school I recently found LadyLovin from Lo Bosworth which is like being a part of a really fun girl talk the whole time.  

loving: The spring weather.  I have been trying to take advantage of being outdoors as much as possible.  I have become such a sun chaser lately and will do anything to soak up some rays. 

planting: Recently, I went to Lowes to pick up stuff to re-pot my current indoor plants and had to pick up a few more.  I have 2 snake plants and a few other leafy greens plus succulents galore. I only have one good window with light so my obsession needs to stop until we move.  I absolutely love how plants warm up a room. 

remembering: TimeHop last month has been littered with memories from beach trips to job hunting posts.  They have me craving a beach vacation but also feeling so grateful and blessed that I am where I am now with my job, my life, and my relationships. 

What are you currently up to?

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