Monday, May 8, 2017

Gratitude Lately

Every once in a while - when I feel like I need to refocus and recharge I turn to gratitude.  I love making gratitude lists that remind me of all the wonderful things I have in my life.  Focusing on the positive gives me the fuel to change my mind set and take on the days ahead.

Here is a little of what I am grateful for lately:

Countdown to Summer.  We are less than 25 days with students left, people.  Here comes the beach trips, the country concerts, the sunshine filled days, reading books by the pool, and so much more!

Finding my Groove. This year of school has been a learning experience for sure but the past couple of weeks I feel like I have finally gotten the hang of my responsibilities - of course with the year almost over - but now I have ideas to get started on the right foot next year!

Tone It Up. The community. The workouts, The delicious nutrition plan.  Enough said.

Date Nights with the Parents. This past weekend we went out for pizza and a movie.  I brought a coupon and got a fun date night catching up with my parents after my trip.  I love spending time with those two.

Puppy Cuddles. because some days you just have to sit on the floor and pet your dog and he let's it happen; even encourages it.

Making Goals and Reaching Them.  Some of my big goals this year are financial ones [namely: pay off that student loan debt!] which, wont happen over night, but I have made a lot of gains and adjustments in my budget that helps me meet monthly goals and overall contributing to my big goals! Yay.

What are you grateful for today? 

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