Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Home Decor Inspiration

There is something about moving that just gets my creative juices flowing.  I love to organize and purge so basically packing up all my stuff every single year to move apartments has become the way I do it. The downside is that I have moved every single year and all that heavy lifting can get exhausting.  Plus I have never really taken the time to decorate with quality pieces since my mindset is "I will be out of here next year" 

My plan for this next move is to stay put for a little bit and be able to really make this next place my own. I have 3 pinterest boards full of home decor, apartment ideas, as well as organization tips that I have been revisiting lately. As you can see from my "mood" board collage above I am really vibing on warm neutrals with touches of gray and blues.  I also love love love decorating with plants.  Our new place will have so much more natural light so I can truly have plants all over instead of crammed all together by the window salvaging sunlight.

I am so excited to be moved and settled.  The new place is in a really fun area of Charlotte surrounded by so many things to do and people our age.  Our specific apartment will have a loft that will be so much more space to decorate! Hello office/ guest room combo decor ideas.

We are moving in July so before we can even get to the fun decorating part there is so much packing to do! I will keep you updated on this journey; I have moved so many times that I have this down to a science and will be sharing tips and tricks I have learned along the way.

What are your favorite decor tips and tricks for making a place truly feel settled and like a home?

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