Friday, August 18, 2017

Building a Business Wardrobe [on a budget]

One personal goal I have for this school year is actually with my wardrobe.  I want to really focus my spending on purchasing quality timeless items that can be worn many different ways.  I also want to wear nice clothes that tell people "I am a professional" and "I care" Working in a school is a little interesting because the work wear requirements are more business casual and some teachers really bend the rules and don't even consider that business part of the phrase!  It frustrates me to no end because I am constantly trying to advocate for my job, my role, and fighting against the system - we can't do that if we don't look at ourselves first and start to take our profession in the schools seriously.
I truly believe that what you wear can make incredible statements.  I also am a huge advocate for the saying when you look good you feel good. I like putting time and effort into my outfits in the morning - it sets me up to have a successful day.  A caveat to clothes and wearing quality items is the cost.  My budget is pretty tight [thanks to student loans & being a school employee] But when I started researching ideas for building a classic business wardrobe I couldn't find any information on how to do it with little to no money to spend on tons of new clothes! So I thought of some tips and tricks that I have been taking into practice as I get my wardrobe ready for another school year.

Take Inventory: Literally take all of your clothes out of your closet! You will be surprised at what you find in there.  Take note of the items that you have already.  This would also be a good time to clean out anything that doesn't fit correctly, you absolutely hate, or is just so worn out.

Get Ideas: My favorite place to get outfit ideas is on Pinterest.  I go on with the mindset of getting an idea then go back to my closet to try to make an outfit with what I have. Or I had a friend tell me once that if she wants to wear a certain item but is struggling with how she will search on Pinterest "purple pencil skirt outfit" and see what comes up! Comparison and getting suckered in to the "I want/ I need" this exact item serves no positive purpose, not for your wellness or your budget.

Buy the Basics: Now if after you have taken inventory, you have brainstormed with the clothes that you already have and you find you are lacking specific basic items that are crucial to building outfits, now is the time to go shopping.  Set a budget. Go shopping with those specific needs in mind.

Mix and Match: This one is a hard one for me.  I am such an outfit shopper.  Or even an event shopper.  You know you buy that dress for that one bridal shower and then can't wear it again because it was for that event.  Or I even create an outfit out of many items I have, then fall in love with it, and proceed to wear that set of items the exact same way each time.  I then feel like I wear the same thing over and over so I have nothing to wear!   But it is so important to mix and match. Switch it up.  Try something new.  Give yourself a challenge to not wear something the same way twice and see what happens.

Remember the Rule of Threes: I just learned this rule and it has made all the difference. Basically when you think you have an outfit made ie: shirt & pants for the most basic of examples; the rule states; an outfit is never truly complete until a third item is added. For that third item think; jacket, statement accessory, scarf, vest, etc.  Once I started putting this into practice [when I remember] I truly do feel more complete and satisfied with my outfit I made.  It just pulls everything together so nicely!

Have Fun: Fashion is fun! Let it be that way.  No one is perfect all the time.  Take some risks.  Remember how amazing it was to play dress up when you were little? Don't lose that joy in your current closet just because you are on a budget.

What are some ways you build a budget friendly wardrobe? 

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