Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Aerial CLT

Location: Aerial CLT 

As a kid the circus always came to town around my birthday. One year we got to go for my birthday party.  My favorite part was the trapeze artists and the performers doing acrobatics.  I watched with awe and wonder thinking "how do they do that?!"

Well over spring break my friend and I got to try.  We took a silks class at Aerial CLT.  It was so much fun.  Of course since this was our first time we got a lot of basics and fundamentals.  We  learned how to hold the silk, how to climb, how to secure our foot so you don't fall, and basic safety skills.  The class going on behind ours was a way more advanced class and I watched with that same childhood awe but also a new found respect for this art of movement.

You guys, this class was tough. I mean, you have to maneuver yourself, hold up basically hold your body weight, and then try to pose all while the silks are probably spinning around and around. It is no joke. As sore as I am from it I had such a blast.

We are never too old to fulfill childhood dreams and try new things.  This year I am all about being brave, learning, and truly taking advantage of the wonderful adventure this life is.

Don't be afraid to fall.  Be afraid not to try. 

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