Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Red for EDucation

Location: Raleigh, NC

The other week I had the opportunity to do the most incredible thing I have ever done. I took a stand for something that I believe in.  Something that gets me fired up.  Something that is consistently undervalued and looked over. Public education.

My students are my driving force each and every single day.  They are the reason I go to work and get to do what I do.  They are the reason I come home drained and exhausted and sometimes so emotional because I believe in them so much.  My students are the reason that I fight for better opportunities, the reason that I vote, the reason that I march. 

I am constantly inspired by my students.  They have such resilience and creativity.  They show up every single day despite everything that they go through.  So I got to show up for them.  I did something for them to prove that they matter.  My students matter.  Public education matters.  My job matters.  And you know what paying my bills and making ends meet should matter too. It's time that North Carolina steps up and joins forces with this incredible momentum sweeping our nation.  Public educators demanding their worth.

I have never done anything like this before.  We traveled to the state capital and marched for respect and our students along side 20,000 other educators.  It was a powerful experience.  Our governor spoke as we rallied for change in the government and change in funding policies for NC education. Everyone there was united under the same purpose.  It was so inspiring to see.  I loved all of the creative signs that proved the harsh reality of teachers and asked for change.  Teachers really do know how to show up and prove their point.  I am so grateful for this humbling experience.

Have you ever had the opportunity to take a stand for something that you truly believed in? What was your experience like?

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