Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Building Healthy Habits

I am a dreamer.  Filled with ideas constantly flowing through my mind. Also, I spend a good deal of time reflecting on ways to improve.  Sometimes, I have such lofty goals and ideas that I tend to overwhelm myself. I am also a classic over thinker.  I can think myself out of anything making it seem so much bigger than it really is.

I have found that incorporating healthy routines into my daily life have been not only less daunting but inspires me to keep on going.

Instead of making a big deal out of everything.  I think about my goals as daily tasks or routines.  Not only does that bring less anxiety for me it brings more peace. I have also found so much more freedom.  I have time to do more because my healthy goals are now simply habits that I practice daily.  My mind isn't occupied thinking about how to get x, y, & z done.

I have built my daily routines around things that are important to me and my overall health and wellbeing.  I spend time doing the things that are meaningful.  They may be simple and don't take a lot of time but I know they make a big impact on my day and health.

Spend some time thinking about things that you want to start adding into your day.  Start doing it a little bit each day.  Push through the resistance that will come to fall back in old habits.  Then one day you won't even think about them any more they will simply be part of your day.

Thinking about goals as habits are a game changer.

Add something new to your routine and see how it changes your mindset and well being.

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