Location: Nashville, TN
I have missed this. I have missed taking fun photos of life and it's adventures. I have missed writing and sharing my heart and ideas.
What I haven't missed, though, is the ridiculous pressure and anxiety I put on myself to be something that I am not. The blog world is an interesting one to navigate. For some reason I felt like I was doing it wrong because I wasn't gaining tons of followers and making money with sponsorships at an exponential rate. So I changed who I was. I forgot my why. My intention to connect, to write, to encourage, to be authentic, genuine, and intentional. I tried to keep up and post often which lead to a negative relationship with my creative outlet.
My full time job is stressful enough, I don't need my fun hobby to bring even more stress to my life. I took a break for a while to re-focus and re-center myself. That break turned into a 7 month hiatus from blogging and you know what, that is okay.
I needed a little time off to realize that I can blog and stay true to myself all at the same time. This blog is a mix of everything: faith, food, travel, style, exploring my city, fitness because that's who I am and what I love. This time though I am going to trust in God's plan for me and this blog. I have it on my heart to write in this space. I need to trust that feeling and honor it because there is a reason that desire was placed in me. My writing may not be on a regular frequent posting schedule, I have no clue about making money but if a collaboration I believe in comes along then I will be open, we will see what comes. One thing that is no longer though is the desire to be a perfect little blogger and fit into this mold created by social media, it's simply not worth it.
I am excited to continue this journey. I hope you will follow along as I share and celebrate life in this space.