Saturday, January 21, 2017

Peru Trip 2015: Exploring Cusco, Peru

This is the last post in my Peru Trip 2015 Series, just in time for my sister to arrive home from Peru.  We are heading to the airport soon, signs in hand, and ready for a family reunion full of hugs. You can see the other posts in this series here:

Tacna: Part One
Tacna: Part Two 
Arica, Chile
Cuisine & Christmas Celebrations 
Ollantaytambo (The Sacred Valley)
Machu Picchu

We spent about day and a half in Cusco before heading to the airport to wait for our plane to Lima then off to the states. We all were moving pretty slow at this point during the trip.  Cusco was the perfect place to just wander around the city and take it all in at a slow pace.

We spent a day walking through churches and museums learning so much about the culture and history of this beautiful city.  There was a very distinct line in the history of this country.  The Incans and their vast Empire then after Spanish colonization.  To this day that era is so significant.  Cusco looks very European and the country now is a strong Catholic country. The churches, buildings, monasteries, and museums were all so gorgeous.

In order to get as much done as possible we covered a lot of ground in this city.  Walking up and down the cobblestone streets to see all of the markets and places we could.  By this point in our trip, like I said, we were tired, but also the food wasn't agreeing with us anymore.  We ate at an irish pup in hopes that we could just get some good old fish and chips - wanting as bland of food as possible.  Also, speaking of food, I don't drink soda but on this trip good old coca cola was definitely my drink of choice.  The water isn't the best to drink here.  The Peruvians are partial to Inca Cola - looks like mountain dew tastes like bubble gum, definitely not my cup of tea.

On our very last morning there we took a taxi up the mountain to some Incan ruins above Cusco called Sacsahuaman [prounounced: sexy woman haha!] This fort was one of the last standing battle grounds against the Spanish because of it's incredible architecture but also geological and geographical location to protect the city below. Now when you go there the best part is the view overlooking the city. 

After our last adventure, we packed up our things and headed to the airport for a long long night full of travel and phase 10 to pass the time waiting.  
This trip was nothing short of incredible.  Reflecting on it a year later has brought back so many wonderful memories.  I will always cherish this adventure that we got to take to the wonderful country of Peru.  Thanks for reading along with me during this series. 

What are some of your favorite travels and adventures you have gotten to experience?

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