Monday, January 23, 2017

Sometimes You Just Need a Walk in the Park

Thank you all for reading and following along with my Peru Series.  I had so much fun writing it and reminiscing on that incredible trip.  My sister is home safe now.  She will be taking some time to rest, process on her experiences the past two years, and adjust back to life in the states. I hope to get the chance to write more travel series posts but for now we are back to my life here in Charlotte!

The other evening, I came home from work after a long day and wanted to do something other than my normal fitness routine.  I have been following Tone It Up's New Year Challenge and have been so inspired to get out and move every day after work.  Typically I have my toning moves and a workout video I do in my room then I talk the pup for a walk around the apartment complex.

Finn, though, has been reverting back to when he was a baby.  He is terrified of cars!! I live off of a pretty busy road and it has been difficult walking him.  At first I just thought he was being stubborn and lazy because he has a very human personality.  Then I remembered back to the first place I lived with him.  I had to carry him to the greenway to go on a walk since he was so scared as a baby!

I wanted to go somewhere new to run, get Finn some good exercise, and explore more of Charlotte.  Freedom Park is pretty close to my apartment so we all piled in the car and tried to get there before sunset.  The weather has been funky here too.  I feel like winter is over already with how warm it has been.  We all had so much fun wandering around, enjoying the weather, and getting to experience a new place in Charlotte.  I have a feeling this park adventure will become more of a regular occurrence for us.  Finn loved watching the ducks as well as all the people that come to the park.

Sometimes you just need some fresh air and a break from your regular routine to feel refreshed and ready to take on the rest of the work week.

What is a new place you have explored lately? 

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