Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Easter Sunday

Hi sweet friends.  Hope your Easter was absolutely wonderful.  I know Easter is not about me and my dog but I just couldn't help but share our photos.  We had treats to try to get Finn to sit and take a nice Easter picture but instead he was so excited about the treats that the photos are a hot mess.  Love this pup. He always keeps me laughing.

We [me and Finn] celebrated the day with my parents and one of my sisters. It was very low key but Mom made sure to keep to traditions with what we had for Easter dinner.  She incorporated a lot of polish food for the holiday because my Grandma is polish!

Sunday morning was kicked off at church but we had to get there extra early because it's always so crowded! After church we relaxed outside because the weather was gorgeous and mom cooked our dinner.   We ate in the mid afternoon so my sister could head back to Raleigh that evening.

Sometimes Easter is so hard to process and understand.  For one we have all of these secular ways to celebrate the holiday - baskets full of candy and eggs show up in the morning from a bunny.  I mean what?  If you really take a second to think about that, it's quite confusing.   How does that have anything to do with the fact that our Lord and Savior who DIED for our sins just a few days earlier was raised from the dead?  I would really like to know how all of that started.  I am genuinely interested.  I love getting my treat filled basket, don't get me wrong, but this year I started to think about why these are the traditions we seem to hold sacred.

I love days where I get to sit out in the sun, be with family, relax and read good books, and eat delicious food to celebrate an important holiday!

What are some of your Easter traditions? 

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