Monday, April 17, 2017

When I Miss the Mountains

I am a mountain girl.  I love the beach don't get me wrong.  But there is something about the mountains that brings me an overwhelming feeling of peace.  Maybe it's the fresh air, the outdoor adventure, and the vibrant expression of the seasons through nature.  The mountains were home for 6 years of my life and I loved being able to go hiking at any opportunity.  

Now, I live in the Queen City, which I love, but I don't get to walk out my door and explore a new hiking trail through the mountains.  Sometimes I just miss that.  

The Whitewater Center near Charlotte is full of hiking / mountain biking trails.  I decided to take the plunge and get a parking pass for the year because I was homesick for Boone and outdoor adventure.  I love going over to the USNWC because it just feels like my kind of people.  Everyone is wearing their Chacos, people are hanging their hammocks up from every tree simply spending time outside, there are kayakers constantly in the water, and the trails are definitely something I have been taking advantage of.  

Last week, I was on Spring Break.  I had huge plans of just sitting by my pool and tanning, but then the doors proceeded to be locked and the office told me it won't open until memorial day [what! it's so hot here before then and I am going to need a pool and a tan pronto but I digress] So instead Mike and I decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and go hiking.  

It was a gorgeous spring day.  We decided to do the lake loop this time, it's a 3 mile hike that's pretty easy but takes you around all of the various "lakes" I think it was the best of both worlds being by some sort of body of water and hiking outside. 

I got my mountain fix in and came home feeling more centered and like myself.  Sometimes I really just need to reconnect with my mountain loving self and go for a hike.  

What is your favorite outdoor adventure? 

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