Friday, May 26, 2017

Memorial Day Weekend Vibes

Happy 3 day weekend, sweet friends!

Words can't even begin to describe how necessary a long weekend is for me.  We are in the throws of end of year testing and with that comes high anxiety from staff and students - needless to say the job of a counselor is busy this time of year.

I hope this weekend brings you to some sunshine, near the water, and close to friends and family.  I have a full weekend ahead of me.  Girl time, brunch, fireworks, good vibes, and no alarm for Monday.

With all the fun parties, sales, and celebrations that happen on memorial day kicking off summertime, take some time to reflect and remember the true reason we have memorial day.  We are remembering those who came before us and fought for our freedom. These warriors are the reason that we get to have boat parties and BBQ's at our leisure.  So thank you to those who have served and those who are currently serving our beautiful country. People made the ultimate sacrifice for us to be able to choose the life we want to live.  That deserves time, respect, and remembrance.

How are you spending your memorial day weekend?

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