Monday, May 29, 2017

The Importance of Friend Dates

Details: Top [Target, not online] Similar | Shorts | Sandals

As I have gotten older, I am truly learning the importance of friendship.  I constantly crave community, a group of people to just simply do life with.  With moving as many times as I have in the past I feel like I am pretty good at meeting people and making friends, it's the keeping in touch that's the hard part.  I have moved a lot of times for career and personal life reasons and with all those moves it typically means leaving people physically behind.

Sometimes, I get so caught up in everyday life that reaching out to people makes it to the bottom of my to do list.  One of my goals for this year is to change that.  I love my friends and my people, it's so important to me that they know that too.  I realized that often times other people are like me, going through the tasks of daily life and waiting to be invited.

If I want the community that I crave I have to reach out and make it happen.  That's why it's crucial to schedule time with friends.  Go out for coffee, meet up for drinks, catch a workout class together, or just invite them to hang out at the pool with you.  I always feel so much better after calling a friend and planning a friend date.

Life has a funny way of making everyone busy.  Time passes by pretty fast.  If we don't reach out and connect with the people that matter than they will start thinking that they don't matter to us anymore.  Call a friend you have been meaning to catch up with today and let them know you are thinking of them.  True friends will always make time.  Support your friends in all they do, don't wait to be asked to do something, and never be afraid to reach out no matter how much time you have let pass.

What is your favorite way to spend time with friends? 

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