Monday, August 7, 2017

24 Hours of Booty

Location: Booty Loop | Charlotte, NC

Outfit: CLT Hat | Tank Top | Shorts 

Recently, my dad did something so impressive.  He cycled for 100 miles in a 24 hour time frame after raising money to fight cancer.  With my late Aunt Cathy at the forefront of his mind, who lost her life way too soon to this awful disease, my dad set a goal and exceeded it!

Every year, in Charlotte, the Booty Race brings bikers from all over together to ride for 24 hours straight and raise money for the 24 Foundation, which partners with LIVESTRONG.  Now, some of you may be wondering why this is affectionately called the 24 hours of booty.  Well, the almost 3 mile loop in the heart of Charlotte is called the booty loop.  Named for it's hilly course and the incredible amount of bikers and joggers you can find on it any day working for dat booty!

Mom, Mike, and I went to the start of the race to cheer on dad.  The whole event is incredible.  Some riders set up camp and literally stay the night.  Everyone signs up with a team and your team has a rider on the course at all times. The neighborhood surrounding the loop is wonderfully supportive, they host fundraising parties in their front yards to cheer on the riders.  During the event there is food provided for the riders, complete with a midnight pizza party! We stayed for a delicious dinner - burgers and grilled veggies - while dad took his first fuel break!

Y'all, I can't even begin to describe how proud of my dad I am for doing this race.  He is the sweetest person I know.  Once he puts his mind to something he accomplishes it, 100 miles and over $800 of it! Total the event this year in Charlotte raised over 1.7 million to go toward cancer research and continuing to fight for a cure.  Together we can make a huge impact and definitely kick cancer in the booty! Thank you to all who donate and work hard against this disease each and every day.

Tell me about your experiences with awesome fundraising events! 

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