Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Summer Goals Check In

Location: Outer Banks, North Carolina

One week from now I head back to work to start setting up my office as well as prepping for the school year to begin. This summer has been absolutely wonderful for me.  I wrote a post before summer began about all the things that I wanted to do this season.  A bucket list of sorts; you can read it all here.

Every once and a while I make a list of goals that I want to accomplish.  Typically around new years when everyone reflects on what the year brought and the changes they can make for a better year ahead.  I suppose this summer was my new year.  Now that it is coming to an end I have looked back at my list, while I am pleased at all that I have done I had an aha moment.

While I was looking at all that I wanted to see and experience this summer I realized some things I wanted to do at the beginning of summer were simply forgotten about. I also realized that life happens.  Sometimes we make the best plans, set goals, and then they don't happen.  Instead of focusing on what hasn't happened life is about practicing gratitude for what actually happens.

So instead of looking back at my list, going through it and checking off what I did and didn't do.  My check in with myself is answering one simple question.  Am I relaxed and rejuvenated in spending my summer full of fun events and taking care of myself? My answer is most definitely; yes.

This last week will be spent loving life and summertime for a little while longer.

How has your summer been?  What do your goals teach you about gratitude? 

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