Tuesday, April 17, 2018

It's Wedding Season

This year is definitely the year of weddings for me.  I have three weddings on the calendar for this upcoming year, and one of them I am in the wedding party.  I love weddings.  They are a huge celebration of love and in that brings lots and lots of dancing! My favorite.

Recently, I have been focused on celebrating one of my besties.  All of the events leading up to a wedding are so fun. Bachelorette weekends, showers, and planning the details of the wedding. One of my personal goals has been to be more intentional in my friendships.  What a better way to focus on a friendship than being by a friends side during the most important days of their lives?

The best kind of friendships are the fierce lady friendships where you aggressively believe in each other, defend each other, and think the other deserves the world.

As I have gotten older my friendship circle has gotten a lot smaller, but that is okay with me. The friends that have stayed are the ones that I love dearly and who I can be myself completely when I am around them.  Those are the friends that I am celebrating this year. I am so happy for friends who have found love and happiness.  Can't wait to dance at all these weddings!

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