Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Sweet School Moments

I am a school counselor.

I feel like this is the place I am supposed to be at right now in my life.  I truly love my job.  I love the service that I get to do for kids each and every day.


It's tough.

I can't lie and say that I don't have my moments.  Nothing gets me more fired up than the injustices in my students lives and our schools.  Some days I have a session with a student or parent that leaves me really sad because I have poured my heart and soul into helping but my efforts can only go so far.  That is why I am such an advocate for self care.

Some days at school though there are moments of light. Every year our science lab hatches chicks while the students learn about life cycles.  We only get to have the chicks at the school for a short time.  The moments that I get to pop in and see the kids interacting with the baby chicks are so life giving.  It is always good to be reminded that my students are simply kids, full of wonder and joy with the world around them.  Children are the innocents and they should always be given chances for play and exploration. 

I got to play with the chicks one afternoon outside as well and they are just so adorable.  It truly helped cheer me up for the week to have a fun cuteness break.

What is something that reminds you about the good things in life, whether it be at work or home?

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