Thursday, May 3, 2018

It's the Bikini Series Time of Year!

Y'all may or may not know my love for Tone It Up.  I love the positivity and encouragement of the trainers.  I love the community they have created.  I love that their health and fitness philosophy aligns with mine.  Living your best life by loving yourself and fueling your body with good for you whole foods. Their energy is contagious and by following their plan I have seriously never felt better in my life. 

Monday the bikini series launches! This is an 8 week challenge to help you eat lean, clean, and green and make healthy decisions for summer and beyond. I am so excited to see all the new recipes they release along with the plan and to try all of the fun new workouts and lifestyle challenges.

The bikini series is coming at the perfect time for me.  I need the energy of trying and accomplishing something new to push me through the end of the school year.  Since writing is something I enjoy I am going to periodically blog about how the bikini series is going to hold myself accountable.

Bikini Series here I come!!

Have you ever tried a fitness plan and loved it? 

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