Tuesday, May 1, 2018

The Happiness List

Location: Whitewater Center, Charlotte, NC

As you know, I have recently been trying to find ways to live my life to the fullest and part of that means being a tourist in my own city to explore all that it has to offer.  Recently, I heard a fitness blogger I follow talking about what she does to make her daily life and routines feel like it does while you are on vacation.

When we are on vacation our days move in a relaxed, care-free manner. The choices we make on vacation are all about having fun, trying new things and foods, as well as making decisions that bring us joy. So why can't we live our daily life that way?

In order to live daily life like you are on vacation that means changing our mindset about every day.  Her idea was to create a happiness list of things that make you really happy and try to do a few of those every day so that you bring joy and relaxation into your routines. I thought it was such an incredible idea. 

When we do things that we love we are staying true to our authentic selves.

Sometimes it is hard seeing other people living this seemingly happy life with all of their fancy things and opportunities.  But other peoples lives are not our own.  Instead of striving for happiness in what other people have or do, be your own person.  Make your own happiness list and do something every day to honor your own happiness and live every day like you are on vacation.

Here is my happiness list:

  1. Journaling and reading the bible over a slow cup of coffee
  2. Taking care of my plants [one day I hope this will be full blown gardening] 
  3. Reading a good book
  4. A long walk with the pup or a friend outside
  5. Working out
  6. Cooking a delicious meal 
  7. Candles
  8. DIY spa evenings [nails, face masks, the works] 
  9. Good conversations with people I love 
  10. Finding a really good deal on fashion [although this one will add up if it happens daily so this one has a limit] 
  11. Exploring a fun place and trying something new
  12. Hiking or any adventure outdoors 
What are some things that make you happy?

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