Saturday, September 1, 2018

Boston 2018 || Freedom Trail

Boston.  Such a rich juxtaposition of history and modern city life.  There was so much to do, so much to see, so many various cultures and ways of life joined in a beautiful port city.  The integrity of the historical significance is still so much intact and evident in the city's architecture. 

We spent some of our summer days simply walking along the freedom trail.  We stopped in places that were interesting and caught our eyes.  We walked and explored a new city.  It was refreshing to be a tourist.  To explore. To wonder.  And more importantly to wander. While walking around the city streets I couldn't help but to think about all who have walked here before me.  It is always humbling to reflect on other's lives besides my own. 

I would highly recommend exploring the city upon a first visit via the freedom trail.  You cover so much of the city.  You can choose to stop in the historical sites or various restaurants, coffee shops, or stores along the way.  You can take it as quick or as slow as you want.  The trail is your path and guide but it is your choice of how you want to explore.  I am a history nerd, so of course we stopped at the historical sites to learn more about the city. 

Boston.  You were lovely.  I will definitely be back.

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