Monday, September 3, 2018

Boston 2018 || Touristy Adventures

There is nothing more iconic to Boston than baseball and beer.  While we were there this summer we definitely had to check both out.  We went to a Red Sox game one of the nights.  It was so much fun.  Even more so that the Red Sox lost!

We took a brewery tour of Sam Adams as well.  We learned all about the gigantic production of Sam Adams beer sold almost everywhere.  There brewery in Boston is actually smaller than I was expecting.  They do a lot of small batches and funky beers at this brewery.  We love breweries and funky beer.  It seems like the Charlotte beer scene is huge so it was a cool experience to see beer in a different place.

We also had a chance to explore china town and eat at the best dumpling place, a recommendation curtesy of friends which was so delicious.

We stayed in the North End of Boston full of Italian food and bakeries. I just loved walking home every evening and smelling all the delicious food!

There was so much to do and see and EAT in Boston.  I would highly recommend a trip there.  Such a fun, beautiful, delicious city!

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