Monday, November 12, 2018

You are Capable

Recently, I just completed my 3rd half marathon. This one was definitely the toughest, most emotional half I have run.  Running a half marathon is no easy feat.  Running for 13.1 miles at a time can be rough on your body. 

I had taken a few months off of running, really for no good reason at all but I wanted to get back into it and decided to commit to myself to train and run another half.  Training this time around was tough.  This summer was hot.  Very hot.  Starting from square 1 to getting back into half marathon shape was a big mental game for me.

Running also gives you an incredible amount of time to let your mind wander. I began to think about how incredible the human body is.  How it carries us through life.  How it can run miles upon miles.  How if we push through the negativity and the mind games our body still can move and go further and faster than before.

You are so capable.  You are worthy.  You can try hard things and achieve them.  I have running to thank for teaching me that again.  This time my goal is to not to loose sight of my love of running and how incredibly strong it makes me feel, it's not worth it to stop doing the things you love.  Running helps me think, helps me decompress, and helps me feel amazing. I am a runner. I am so proud of what I have accomplished. Here is to many more miles.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Fall Adventures

OMB Oktoberfest. Pumpkins. Corn Maze. Family dinners at fun restaurants. Renaissance Festival.  All the fall things. 

Fall is one of my favorite seasons.  I think I love all the seasons for what they bring but there is something about fall.  I start a new school year so it's full of fresh beginnings and inspiration for me.  The crisp colorful weather doesn't hurt either.  There is something about a gorgeous drive under Carolina blue skies and seeing colorful leaves. 

This fall has been full of fun adventures. It has also been a strange one for me.  Charlotte has gotten hit by multiple hurricanes, canceling school a bunch.  I feel like I am still trying to get started in my school year and figure things out with a lot of change and it's almost time for the holidays!

One thing I am learning is life is about how you live it.  I am choosing to not let my work define me and to truly live my life for the moments that bring me joy. Truly celebrating each day, being grateful for the things that we have, and finding ways to enjoy each season.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Boston 2018 || Touristy Adventures

There is nothing more iconic to Boston than baseball and beer.  While we were there this summer we definitely had to check both out.  We went to a Red Sox game one of the nights.  It was so much fun.  Even more so that the Red Sox lost!

We took a brewery tour of Sam Adams as well.  We learned all about the gigantic production of Sam Adams beer sold almost everywhere.  There brewery in Boston is actually smaller than I was expecting.  They do a lot of small batches and funky beers at this brewery.  We love breweries and funky beer.  It seems like the Charlotte beer scene is huge so it was a cool experience to see beer in a different place.

We also had a chance to explore china town and eat at the best dumpling place, a recommendation curtesy of friends which was so delicious.

We stayed in the North End of Boston full of Italian food and bakeries. I just loved walking home every evening and smelling all the delicious food!

There was so much to do and see and EAT in Boston.  I would highly recommend a trip there.  Such a fun, beautiful, delicious city!

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Boston 2018 || Freedom Trail

Boston.  Such a rich juxtaposition of history and modern city life.  There was so much to do, so much to see, so many various cultures and ways of life joined in a beautiful port city.  The integrity of the historical significance is still so much intact and evident in the city's architecture. 

We spent some of our summer days simply walking along the freedom trail.  We stopped in places that were interesting and caught our eyes.  We walked and explored a new city.  It was refreshing to be a tourist.  To explore. To wonder.  And more importantly to wander. While walking around the city streets I couldn't help but to think about all who have walked here before me.  It is always humbling to reflect on other's lives besides my own. 

I would highly recommend exploring the city upon a first visit via the freedom trail.  You cover so much of the city.  You can choose to stop in the historical sites or various restaurants, coffee shops, or stores along the way.  You can take it as quick or as slow as you want.  The trail is your path and guide but it is your choice of how you want to explore.  I am a history nerd, so of course we stopped at the historical sites to learn more about the city. 

Boston.  You were lovely.  I will definitely be back.

Friday, August 10, 2018

On My Heart: School Counseling

[photo from the #RedforEd march in Raleigh, you can read about that here

It's time to head back to school.  After a summer full of sunshine and rest I feel ready to go back to school. I am excited to get into my office and decorate.  I am mentally prepared to check my school email, crack open my brand new planner and go. 

People often ask me what I do.  When I respond that I am a school counselor, they nod having a vague understanding of what a counselor might do in a high school setting.  Then I tell them I am at an elementary school and the look of confusion comes across their face.  I can tell they are thinking "why in the world does an elementary school need a counselor?" The bold who are very confused even ask again "so what do you do in an elementary school?"  I know this comes from a good hearted place but sometimes its difficult for me to explain because I value my job so much and often times feel like I am coming across as defensive.  I am so passionate about my students and more importantly needed in an elementary school.

So what is it that I do?

I teach kids about their emotions, social skills, and how to solve conflict appropriately.  Elementary ages students are not immune to dark and sensitive topics but they are the most vulnerable and sometimes don't know how to process what is going on in their little world.  My job is there to help them come to some sort of understanding within themselves - yes often times it's through play because at the age of 5 - 10 play is their language. 

In an age where mental health is starting to be talked about but still a stigma at the same time - my job is much more important that you can imagine.  I am so busy all day every day.  There are 2 counselors and a social worker in my building serving over 850 students and their families and still there are not enough hours in a day or people to help with everything we have going on. 

Think about Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain.  No one knew.  The world was shocked by their completed suicides.  I read an article where they explained it so well - we all knew when Selena Gomez underwent her surgery for her health issues or any other celebrity who announced their cancer / health issues / etc.  No one talked about depression and anxiety.  Everyone was surprised that the happiest funniest person Robin Williams was struggling with depression...

And yes, even at the elementary age I have to deal with suicidal thoughts and sometimes behaviors.  We have a lot of suicide assessments and help kids process those emotions and come up with a safe way to express them. Early intervention and education might just combat the fact that adults feel like they have to hide and have no where to turn. 

An 8 year old has a fight with a friend and is upset about it so they will write me a note saying they want to talk and process a problem.  They are open to counseling and discussing the difficult times. We are breaking the stigma in an elementary school.  It is crucial that we give our kids space to be themselves, the good and the sometimes very tough and sad.

I do so much more than mental health in my role at the school.  I wear many many hats.  But the most important thing that I have learned is that kids absorb everything.  They hear and they know everything that is going on around them.  Yes, parents, you may think you were being quiet or not seen but you were. Those little eyes and ears know more than you think.  They have feelings, and worries, and get scared when they witness something they don't understand. When adults brush it off and act like they are "just kids" and have no idea whats going on it hurts because they do and they just need their loved ones to talk to them in a way that their brains can understand and process it. You shouldn't treat your kids like adults either and share everything with them the way you would share with a best friend.  But be mindful - little ones are around so they will be affected in someway or another by what is said or done in your home.

So yes I am a school counselor.  Yes I am at an elementary school.  Yes I am busy all day long and deal with more than you can even imagine.  I know that I am serving a purpose where I am.  I believe in my students.  I am helping lay the foundation of successful citizens of this world who will have empathy and process their emotions safely without being afraid to seek help.  I am bringing the light of Christ into sometimes very dark places.  I love my job even though some people don't understand.  It's okay because I know that it is important and I am making a small difference in this world.