Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Charlotte Checkers in the Playoffs

Location: Bojangles Coliseum, Charlotte, NC

This past weekend was so full of exploring Charlotte and all it has to offer.  Recently, I was talking with a friend about how sometimes we try to keep going on trips to explore various places and never really take the time to do those things in the city we live in.  So I have resolved to explore more and to live more and be a tourist in my city. 

One of those ways was to go to a hockey game! Charlotte has a minor league or whatever it is called in hockey [I'm not great at sports haha] team.  I have always loved going to hockey games, I think they are so fun.  Hockey also happens to be one of Mikes favorite sports so it was the perfect date night. We had never been to a hockey game together.

The Checkers ended up playing a fantastic game.  They are currently in the playoffs, which is so good for them. They won 4- 1 after the opposing team removed their goalie toward the end of the game in an attempt to score.  Games are definitely more exciting when your local team wins and the crowd gets into it!

I have been loving researching more things to do around Charlotte and going out there to live my life and do them.  Hockey was a perfect thing to do on an evening out!

What are some ways that you explore your own city?

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

It's Wedding Season

This year is definitely the year of weddings for me.  I have three weddings on the calendar for this upcoming year, and one of them I am in the wedding party.  I love weddings.  They are a huge celebration of love and in that brings lots and lots of dancing! My favorite.

Recently, I have been focused on celebrating one of my besties.  All of the events leading up to a wedding are so fun. Bachelorette weekends, showers, and planning the details of the wedding. One of my personal goals has been to be more intentional in my friendships.  What a better way to focus on a friendship than being by a friends side during the most important days of their lives?

The best kind of friendships are the fierce lady friendships where you aggressively believe in each other, defend each other, and think the other deserves the world.

As I have gotten older my friendship circle has gotten a lot smaller, but that is okay with me. The friends that have stayed are the ones that I love dearly and who I can be myself completely when I am around them.  Those are the friends that I am celebrating this year. I am so happy for friends who have found love and happiness.  Can't wait to dance at all these weddings!

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Barre at the Bar

Location: Lenny Boy Brewing

One of my favorite ways to try new things on a budget is brewery fitness classes.  Charlotte has a crazy huge brewery fitness scene.  One way I find out about all the different classes is from Work For Your Beer.  They list all the classes going on at all the breweries around town.  They even host various events.  I only wish I would have thought of this concept first because they are huge now and it's fantastic.

It's not in my budget right now to join a gym so when I am not doing Tone It Up at my apartment I love to try new workout classes.  One of my new favorites is Barre.  This workout is no joke y'all.  Work For Your Beer hosts Pure Barre classes at a different brewery every month, it's amazing. I love that I can take a fun but ridiculously tough Barre class thanks to this!

What are some fun ways you like to switch up your workout routine and try new classes?

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Aerial CLT

Location: Aerial CLT 

As a kid the circus always came to town around my birthday. One year we got to go for my birthday party.  My favorite part was the trapeze artists and the performers doing acrobatics.  I watched with awe and wonder thinking "how do they do that?!"

Well over spring break my friend and I got to try.  We took a silks class at Aerial CLT.  It was so much fun.  Of course since this was our first time we got a lot of basics and fundamentals.  We  learned how to hold the silk, how to climb, how to secure our foot so you don't fall, and basic safety skills.  The class going on behind ours was a way more advanced class and I watched with that same childhood awe but also a new found respect for this art of movement.

You guys, this class was tough. I mean, you have to maneuver yourself, hold up basically hold your body weight, and then try to pose all while the silks are probably spinning around and around. It is no joke. As sore as I am from it I had such a blast.

We are never too old to fulfill childhood dreams and try new things.  This year I am all about being brave, learning, and truly taking advantage of the wonderful adventure this life is.

Don't be afraid to fall.  Be afraid not to try. 

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Easter Is Like Coming Home

Location: St. Peters Catholic Church - Charlotte, NC

I love Christmas don't get me wrong.  All the fun and festivities in the fall and winter will always have a special place in my heart.  Yet, this year I think Easter is finding a special place in my heart.  The weather is warming up, the sun shining, and those Carolina blue skies.

All lent I was reflecting on what I can do to point myself toward God.  I leaned into him and learned to trust a little bit more. Then we entered into holy week and spring break for me. I felt this stirring in my heart as I was at mass on Holy Thursday, I felt like I was home.  It was so fitting for this holy week because this is the time of year when others come into the church and find their home as well. Even though I have been confirmed since high school - I had this sense that I was finally entering into the church as well. Solidarity, sisters.

My whole faith story is a long long tale for a different day.  But long story short, I have been searching and trying to find my own way in the church, my own community, my home.  Not living in my youth group days or parents shadow at the parish I grew up in.

The church I found has been so much for me.  It is a center city Jesuit church which speaks to my service heart in so many ways.  I have joined a bible study and found community with the young adult group there.  It is so different in many ways from the church I grew up in.  And yet, as Catholic is universal, it is the same. Home.

To all those who found new life in the church this weekend, welcome and congratulations. Happy Easter. He is Risen indeed and His mercies are new every morning. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Creating Intentional Routines for Self Care

As humans we like routine, we crave rituals.  They make us feel safe because we know what is coming next.  Routines have a calming effect.  That is why it is so important to set up intentional routines.  A lot of people struggle to have a work / life balance or get anxiety and have a tough time navigating the world.  Life is hard y'all.  It is okay to set up boundaries, put yourself first, and practice good self care.

I love self care. We actually had an about you questionnaire at work for secret Santa gifts and I literally put self care as my hobby.  But hear me out.  Self care should always be 3 fold.  Something for your body, your mind, and your heart.  It can be 3 separate things or one thing that fuels all 3 aspects of your being.

For me, my self care is having routines that include self care practices.  Working out and eating healthy my body.  Reading fuels my mind.  Spending time journaling and reading the Word fill my heart.

I start my day, every single day, with a cup of coffee and reading the bible.  I intentionally wake up a little bit earlier so I can have purposeful time to get this accomplished.  It has become habitual so much so that if I miss a morning my day feels thrown. When I get home the first thing I do before anything else is get my workout in and walk my pup.  It's like I am physically moving and de-stressing from the day.

It was so important to me to create a life around my self care practices so that I feel healthy and happy in all that I do.  It takes time to put simple changes into long term lifestyle routines, but we make time for what we care for.

What is important to you? What fills your cup?  How can you switch some things up to be very intentional to create self care routines for yourself?