Thursday, May 24, 2018

Waterfall Wedding Weekend

Location: Lake Norman, NC & Carrigan Farms Rock Quary 

One of my very best friends got married last weekend! I was so lucky to get to be a part of the special occasion.  Alyssa and I have been friends since we were 8 years old, 20 years of friendship and still going strong. I felt so honored that she asked me to be a bridesmaid so I could be there through the whole process.

The whole week up until the wedding it was gross and rainy and calling for a high chance of thunderstorms.  Instead we got a gorgeously perfect day for an outdoor wedding by a waterfall.  Everything couldn't have gone better. 

We stayed on the lake in a house with the bridal party for the whole weekend for all of the fun festivities.  We had a delicious girls brunch, got our nails done on Friday before the rehearsal dinner.  Then Saturday was full of last minute touches, mimosas, and getting our hair and makeup done. 

The wedding itself was so lovely.  There were many tears but only because everyone was so happy.  I have never seen a couple more perfect for each other than these two and I couldn't be more excited for them.  After the ceremony we had the best dinner and then danced the night away, just like she wanted! It was such a special weekend.

Congrats to the bride and groom!! 

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Red for EDucation

Location: Raleigh, NC

The other week I had the opportunity to do the most incredible thing I have ever done. I took a stand for something that I believe in.  Something that gets me fired up.  Something that is consistently undervalued and looked over. Public education.

My students are my driving force each and every single day.  They are the reason I go to work and get to do what I do.  They are the reason I come home drained and exhausted and sometimes so emotional because I believe in them so much.  My students are the reason that I fight for better opportunities, the reason that I vote, the reason that I march. 

I am constantly inspired by my students.  They have such resilience and creativity.  They show up every single day despite everything that they go through.  So I got to show up for them.  I did something for them to prove that they matter.  My students matter.  Public education matters.  My job matters.  And you know what paying my bills and making ends meet should matter too. It's time that North Carolina steps up and joins forces with this incredible momentum sweeping our nation.  Public educators demanding their worth.

I have never done anything like this before.  We traveled to the state capital and marched for respect and our students along side 20,000 other educators.  It was a powerful experience.  Our governor spoke as we rallied for change in the government and change in funding policies for NC education. Everyone there was united under the same purpose.  It was so inspiring to see.  I loved all of the creative signs that proved the harsh reality of teachers and asked for change.  Teachers really do know how to show up and prove their point.  I am so grateful for this humbling experience.

Have you ever had the opportunity to take a stand for something that you truly believed in? What was your experience like?

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Bend it at the Ballpark

Location: BBT Ballpark, Charlotte, NC

Y'all know by now I love a good yoga class.  More than that I love a fun adventurous yoga class with a spectacular view.  I had the opportunity to go with a friend to an event at the BBT Ballpark put on by Yelp Fitness Club and a local yoga studio.  We got to go on the field to participate in a yoga class. 

Professional groundskeeping is no joke.  We had to clean off our mats before going to the field.  I legitimately thought the grass was turf but it was real grass, that is how well it is kept up!

I love the baseball stadium that we have right in the center of the city.  The light reflects off the buildings at sunset in the most gorgeous golden hour way.  It definitely makes for the perfect instagram photo!

We had a blast going through the yoga class and then trying to do all sorts of fun poses in front of the skyline to get some great pictures afterward.  I love a city adventure.  Every time I get to do something like this I am so grateful for the place that I live and the opportunities that it brings for fun and fitness. 

What is the coolest thing you have done for the perfect photo op?

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Family Fun Filled Weekends

Great weekends are my thing.  I love being productive and prepped for the week but I also love some really good fun time.  Mike was joking with me the other day that I have every weekend planned out and if he wants to come up with something he needs to book it for August.  Not exactly true, but I do love having something to look forward to so that I can be motivated and excited through the week.

This past weekend we had some good family time.  One of my sisters came into town so we celebrated Mothers Day early with a delicious brunch.  We also went to the annual crawfish boil that family friends of ours host.

It was a fun easy weekend.  The weather was gorgeous out which always puts me in a good mood.  Weekends with family time and fun activities sure do make my weeks better.  I love that I had time to relax and catch up with my family. 

What is something that you love to do which gets you through the week?

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Sweet School Moments

I am a school counselor.

I feel like this is the place I am supposed to be at right now in my life.  I truly love my job.  I love the service that I get to do for kids each and every day.


It's tough.

I can't lie and say that I don't have my moments.  Nothing gets me more fired up than the injustices in my students lives and our schools.  Some days I have a session with a student or parent that leaves me really sad because I have poured my heart and soul into helping but my efforts can only go so far.  That is why I am such an advocate for self care.

Some days at school though there are moments of light. Every year our science lab hatches chicks while the students learn about life cycles.  We only get to have the chicks at the school for a short time.  The moments that I get to pop in and see the kids interacting with the baby chicks are so life giving.  It is always good to be reminded that my students are simply kids, full of wonder and joy with the world around them.  Children are the innocents and they should always be given chances for play and exploration. 

I got to play with the chicks one afternoon outside as well and they are just so adorable.  It truly helped cheer me up for the week to have a fun cuteness break.

What is something that reminds you about the good things in life, whether it be at work or home?

Thursday, May 3, 2018

It's the Bikini Series Time of Year!

Y'all may or may not know my love for Tone It Up.  I love the positivity and encouragement of the trainers.  I love the community they have created.  I love that their health and fitness philosophy aligns with mine.  Living your best life by loving yourself and fueling your body with good for you whole foods. Their energy is contagious and by following their plan I have seriously never felt better in my life. 

Monday the bikini series launches! This is an 8 week challenge to help you eat lean, clean, and green and make healthy decisions for summer and beyond. I am so excited to see all the new recipes they release along with the plan and to try all of the fun new workouts and lifestyle challenges.

The bikini series is coming at the perfect time for me.  I need the energy of trying and accomplishing something new to push me through the end of the school year.  Since writing is something I enjoy I am going to periodically blog about how the bikini series is going to hold myself accountable.

Bikini Series here I come!!

Have you ever tried a fitness plan and loved it? 

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

The Happiness List

Location: Whitewater Center, Charlotte, NC

As you know, I have recently been trying to find ways to live my life to the fullest and part of that means being a tourist in my own city to explore all that it has to offer.  Recently, I heard a fitness blogger I follow talking about what she does to make her daily life and routines feel like it does while you are on vacation.

When we are on vacation our days move in a relaxed, care-free manner. The choices we make on vacation are all about having fun, trying new things and foods, as well as making decisions that bring us joy. So why can't we live our daily life that way?

In order to live daily life like you are on vacation that means changing our mindset about every day.  Her idea was to create a happiness list of things that make you really happy and try to do a few of those every day so that you bring joy and relaxation into your routines. I thought it was such an incredible idea. 

When we do things that we love we are staying true to our authentic selves.

Sometimes it is hard seeing other people living this seemingly happy life with all of their fancy things and opportunities.  But other peoples lives are not our own.  Instead of striving for happiness in what other people have or do, be your own person.  Make your own happiness list and do something every day to honor your own happiness and live every day like you are on vacation.

Here is my happiness list:

  1. Journaling and reading the bible over a slow cup of coffee
  2. Taking care of my plants [one day I hope this will be full blown gardening] 
  3. Reading a good book
  4. A long walk with the pup or a friend outside
  5. Working out
  6. Cooking a delicious meal 
  7. Candles
  8. DIY spa evenings [nails, face masks, the works] 
  9. Good conversations with people I love 
  10. Finding a really good deal on fashion [although this one will add up if it happens daily so this one has a limit] 
  11. Exploring a fun place and trying something new
  12. Hiking or any adventure outdoors 
What are some things that make you happy?